Sunday, May 2, 2010

Lawyers and a Library

I had a great weekend! Yesterday I went to Waco to see my friends Cassie and Lauren graduate from Baylor Law School! It was a really neat ceremony including an address from John Lee Hancock, director of "The Blind Side," who is actually a Baylor Law grad. I am so proud of Cassie and all of her hard work! We have been friends since our very first day at HPU, almost 8 years ago, and it was really neat to be a part of this special day in her life. Lauren and I haven't known each other quite as long. While we did go to HPU together, our first bonding took place in Europe during the summer of 2008. She was studying along with Cassie in Austria, and her best friend Danielle and I decided to take a trip to visit them. We were also bridesmaids together in Cassie's wedding last year. Lauren and Cassie helped each other acheive this amazing accomplishment known as law school graduation and I'm so proud of both of them!!!

Me, Cassie, Lauren and Jessie

After the graduation, I went to College Station to see my friend Kate. We spent the afternoon at the George Bush Presidential Library, which may sound nerdy to some, but I really enjoyed it! haha. I actually learned a lot about Poppy and Bar (their nicknames for each other, cute, right?)! Bush was in the army during WWII, then he went into the oil business in Midland, became a U.S. Senator, U.N. Ambassador, Director of the CIA, Vice President and then President. Quite a resume if I say so myself! I'm glad Kate was willing to appease me by going to the museum/library. I had a lot of fun!

Bush and I talked some politics

Kate worked on some foreign relations with China

I think I might be a Press Secretary someday, what do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for coming Kalie! It meant so much to me! And the Bush library looks AMAZING!! I really want to go!
