Do you ever sing along with a song and not really think about what you are singing? I do it all of the time. When it comes to worship songs and I consciously realize I am doing it, then I try to stop and reevalute. My worship to God needs to be as authentic and real as I can be. Singing songs of praise to Him should be a reflection of my praise. I need to mean what I'm singing!
Well, the last few weeks I have been singing "Glory to God Forever" by Fee. I've been jamming out to this awesome song, but haven't stopped to think about God's glory.
This week I started a new Bible study with my friends Katie Decker and Melissa Gober. We are doing Beth Moore's study called Breaking Free. I'm a week behind the other girls, so I've been doing two lessons a day to catch up. Well, yesterday's lesson really struck me hard. It was about one of our blessing as God's children - which is to glorify God. Beth goes into an in-depth study on God's glory and WOW - it was awesome. I haven't ever thought about God's glory before - it is indescribable! The earth is filled with it (Isaiah 6:3), when Moses and Aaron encountered it they fell facedown to the ground (Numbers 20:6), the heaven's declare the glory of the Lord (Psalms 19:1), and the list goes on and on. God is so AWESOME and His glory is INDESCRIBABLE!
But that's not where it stops! 2 Corinthians 3:18 says "And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into His likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit."
Ok, go back to the last paragraph about how awesome God's glory is and then reread this passage - we are supposed to be reflecting God's glory! I was so humbled and convicted by that thought. I know that I do not always live that out. But now that I'm more aware of that, I'm going to try harder! I want God to be glorified in me - I want to be a reflection of His glory. It seems like an impossible task, but you know what? Nothing is impossible with God! (Luke 1:37)
Here's a link to Fee's song if you want to listen to it. Click here ! I pray that it has a new meaning for you today!
1 month ago
Kabod (Kah•vode) is Hebrew for "glory"; Doxa (doke•sah) is Greek for "glory". What is glory? How do we reflect it? Now I've taken the bait. I already think that you reflect it - now what is it? Inquiring minds want to know! ;-)
ReplyDeleteWell, it just so happens that Beth Moore talked about the Greek and Hebrew words for glory. Sorry I left it out. Here's what I understand it to mean. She defined Doxa as "the true apprehension of God or things." So, I see it as God's essence.
ReplyDeleteKabod was defined as "to be renowned ... to show oneself great or might." So, God's glory is how He makes Himself known.
How do we reflect it? I'm still working on that part - but I think living our lives in obedience to Him is a good place to start.