Sunday, June 20, 2010

Daddy's girl

I got a text from my dad today. It said "Kalie, you made me a dad. I am so thankful for you. Love always."

I cried.

I'm such a daddy's girl. I love my dad with my whole heart. He is the best man I know. He loves unconditionally, has a heart of mercy, serves tirelessly, never judges, always hopes and protects like no other.

The most important thing that my dad has done for me is show me a glimpse of what my heavenly Father is like. My God loves me unconditionally. He always wants the best for me. He thinks I'm beautiful and showers me with blessings. He dries my tears and comforts my sorrows. He believes in me, He's got my back. My God is mighty and awesome and loving and compassionate.

I am a blessed Daddy's girl!

1 comment:

  1. I totally know how you feel. I am a daddy's girl all the way and I feel the same way about my dad as you do. Isn't it wonderful? I feel so blessed. It's such a gift to have such wonderful Father's
