For my 100th post on my blog, I'm going to talk about my dreams. Not my "oh, I want this in my life someday" dreams, but my literal, while I was sleeping this is what my mind came up with dreams.
Last night I had a good old fashioned crazy dream. It involved an inflatable kayak, Tarzan, a proposal of a very unlikely couple (not me, don't worry) and needless to say it was pretty far-fetched. Which, incidentally, is what most of my dreams are like. They tend to be very vivid, involving people from different times in my life, quite "out there" and sometimes, believe it or not I do believe I have deja vu! Sometimes I really dream things that come true! People can say that my mind is playing tricks on me, but I just can't rationalize that. I legitimately remember these random conversations or events from my dreams. I can't tell you it's going to happen before it happens, and the dreams/real life situations are never really of great significance, but I promise. Sometimes my dreams come true.
I was telling my mom about my crazy dream from last night and she said, "it's so interesting because you didn't really use your imagination as a kid, and so it's like you are using it now that you are grown up through your dreams." It was quite a profound thought. As a kid, I wanted to be a grown-up. I didn't really play "make believe" much, instead I played "real life." I would be a lawyer or a doctor or a secretary. I made file folders and diagnosed diseases and solved the world's problems. I wasn't very big into imagining far off lands, villains or spaceship rides. I wanted to imagine what I would be like when I grew up. Of course, what I imagined is not at all what my "grown up" life is like now (it's so much more fun than I pictured!). So, I guess my imagination had to be put on hold for about 20 years, until I grew up, so I can imagine crazy things while I sleep.
Who knows what dreams will come in my future. All I know is they are probably sure to be entertaining ... if I can remember them.
1 month ago
Kalie, dream big. Dream a dream that only God can fill. Then pursue it with all of your heart. If you do that, God will take you places that you can only imagine.