Wednesday, August 11, 2010

My TOMS: Eyeballs and Gobstoppers

Last night was super fun! Two of my favorite HPU students, Amanda Hendrix and Molly Gore, graciously volunteered their awesome art skills and came to decorate my new TOMS. If you don't know about TOMS, you should check them out! With every purchase of a pair of shoes from them, a child somewhere in the world who doesn't have shoes receives a pair too. How cool is that? They have lots of really cool designs, but I decided that I wanted to be different (shocker, right?) and have my own original pair. Don't worry, I photographed the whole process so you can see exactly how I got the coolest pair of TOMS in the world.

Here is what we started with:
A plain white pair of TOMS

The design inspiration (thank you Houlihan's)

The supplies
First, Molly and Amanda sketched
their design in pencil
Then, they started painting

After a while, they switched shoes,
so that the shoes would be similar

They worked really hard for FOUR hours!!

And then they were done!
TADA! Aren't they awesome?
I've decided to become their manager, so if you would like to have the awesome team of Molly and Amanda design a pair of TOMS for you, contact me. Pricing is negotiable. :)


  1. How fun. It almost makes me want a pair of TOMS. Almost.

  2. How do i contact you? Those are amazing:) please email me!
