Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Immersed in the River Jordan

What do you think of when you picture a baptism? I have always pictured my Dad and a baptistery (basically an over sized bathtub). The reason being, almost every baptism I have witnessed in my life has looked like that.

On Sunday, I went to a new service at FBC Canyon called "Celebration." During my Dad's message, he was talking about baptism (aka immersion), specifically as described in the first chapter of Mark. Dad began explaining about the symbolism of baptism. He described the process as going under water and being surrounded and immersed in the water and then coming up with a new mindset - a complete change of mind, heart and soul.

John the Baptist (our great predecessor and namesake for the Baptists) was baptizing believers in the Jordan River and in Mark 1:8, he says, "I baptize you with water, but he (Jesus) will baptize you with the Holy Spirit." Dad asked us to picture our baptism with the Holy Spirit the same way we pictured our literal baptism in water. The Holy spirit completely surrounding and engulfing us. This image became so much more to me when I thought about it in relation to the River Jordan - a vast body of water spanning as far as the eye can see. When Jesus baptizes us, we are completely surrounded by the Holy Spirit - everywhere you look and feel, the Holy Spirit is there. Isn't that such a beautiful picture?

1 comment:

  1. This is really good Kalie! As I have read the great commission in Matthew 28, I see the same image. To "baptize in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit" isn't simply a formula, but it seems to me to be a command to "immerse" converts in all the things of the Trinity in order that they might have a dynamic relationship with God in this life. Just a thought... (Hey, I bet you've been to several good Holy Spirit studies!)
