Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Forever Friends

This past weekend was so wonderful! I got together with all of my best friends from HPU and we had a blast! It has been years since we've all been together and yet it felt like just yesterday that we were little college freshmen. We played our favorite games, had a sing-a-long and baby shower, and spent lots of time catching up and laughing!

Our awesome 3West RA Michelle and her daughter Wren

Meredith and Stephanie playing Cranium
Me and Kate
We had a baby shower for Jess, who is due with Baby Cary in March
Suitemates from freshmen and sophomore year
Becca, me, Sarah and Brandi

The 2-East crew from 2003
Jess, Sarah Swimm, Sarah Gardner, Steph, Becca, me, Mere, Jan and Brandi

1 comment:

  1. Kalie - our friends and passions make us. There is a constancy of love that passes between friends that holds even in the most difficult of times. I thank God for our friends!
