This year I decided not to make any resolutions because inevitably I break them, thus they really aren't useful and instead I decided to set a goal in my daily life. I have decided to try to read the Bible in a year. I have had this goal for several years and the farthest I've been able to get is Numbers, so this year I bought a One year Bible to help me. This particular Bible breaks down daily readings into a passage from the Old Testament, New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs. I'm hoping this will help me be more consistent.
So far, I can say that I have read every entry this year - which for me is a big accomplishment in and of itself. I'm writing this on my blog so that you, my friends, will keep me accountable. I have found myself getting excited each night and rather than just checking the day off my list, I am looking forward to the next part of the story.
It has been really neat reading the Old Testament along with the New Testament at the same time. One parallel that I have really been pondering is the faith and trust of God's people, particularly that of Abraham and the disciples. When God asked Abraham to take Isaac up to the top of the mountain and sacrifice him, Abraham trusted God and was ready to sacrifice his beloved son, the one he had waited for for 100 years until at the last moment God intervened and stopped him. I can't imagine what was going through Abraham's head at that moment. He must have been heartbroken, confused, possibly angry and so unsure about what God was asking him to do and yet he went through with it. He trusted God. And God spared Isaac because of Abraham's faith.
The disciples displayed a similar faith when Jesus came to them and asked to drop their everything and follow him. The scripture doesn't say that they questioned him about logical things like, do I need to pack a bag? Where are we going to stay? Should I bring some money with me? How are we going to eat? It is almost incomprehensible to the planner in me to see how they could drop their nets and follow without getting some answers. And yet, they went out on faith, trusting Jesus and he provided for all of their needs.
In my Bible study on Tuesday night we were reading in Hebrews 3 and I read a really striking statement in my commentary that said "Lack of trust in God can prevent you from receiving his best." This made an impact on me and has caused me to really evaluate my faith and trust in God. I love him, trust him and believe in him - but am I still holding back? being cautious? asking too many questions?
1 month ago