Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Salt & Pepper

Great news! My computer is up and running and so is my internet! Yay! So one of the big themes of my summer have been change and moving. I've told you about all of the moves (my apt, new office and the parentals in EP) but another big change has been my friend Kristy deciding to leave HPU and be a stay-at-home mom.

Kristy and I have worked together for the past five years. Three of those years we worked right next to each other as the "Alumni Office" of Howard Payne. We've planned Homecomings, Senior Salutes, alumni events in Dallas, Waco, Houston, Amarillo, San Antonio and more and created postcards, e-newsletters, alumni magazines, etc. She made work so much fun! We get along really well and she has been my confidante over the past few years. I'm so excited that she is able to be home with her precious little boy, my favorite 3-almost-4 year old Tyler! But, HPU is definitely different without her being around.

We called each other Salt & Pepper because for a while there you never saw one of us without the other. And if you did, on that rare occasion, everyone asked us where the other one was. Leaving her goodbye party was sad, as I realized I was leaving by myself, without Kristy by my side. But then, God reminded me that I'm not alone! He's there walking with me. And Kristy hasn't left town either. She's still here and I know I'll see her all the time. It's just different - but that's okay!

Here's our Harrison House crew - Kathy, Debbie, Louise, Diann, Kyle, Tammy, Kristy, me and little Tyler. We're split up now, but this group will always represent the HH to me!

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