Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Tales

Happy Easter everyone! I hope you were blessed this weekend remembering the sacrifice that Jesus made for each of us! During Dad's sermon yesterday he reminded us that Easter isn't just about the Resurrection - which is amazing - but it is also about the death that Jesus endured for us. His love is so much greater than I can comprehend and I know that I take it for granted too often.

I just got home from a great weekend with my family in Canyon! I had Friday AND Monday off, so it made for an extra special 4 day trip at home. On Friday, I got to go over to my friends Cliff and Jess Cary's house to meet their precious new baby boy Camden Scott. He is so adorable and I loved getting to meet him! Jess is one of my best friends from college and I am so thankful for her in my life! I can't believe she's a mommy now! Little Camden is blessed with some awesome parents!!!

I also had some great sister bonding time with Jamie and Madie. Lorin and Phil couldn't make it up for Easter, and we missed them a lot! It is hard growing up and realizing that our whole family togetherness time is going to be fewer and farther between. But, we did get to skype with them, so that was fun! I have such a precious family and I am so thankful for them!

While at home I did the usual good stuff - saw a movie, went shopping, hung out with my parents at Barnes & Noble. I also got to spend some time with my friend Cristal (aka Lorin's best friend), which was great!

On Sunday we had our annual Easter lunch with my mom's students. There were 15 internationals that joined us for a feast and it was a lot of fun! I got to talk with one of Mom's students about Taiwan because that's where he is from and that was really great! He was impressed with all that I did while I was there! It is always neat to have Mom's students join us for special holidays. I know it's going to be a crazy week, so I'm really glad I had this nice restful weekend to get re-energized!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you had such a good and restful weekend at home!
